DPA thrives on the incredible dedication of our volunteer force, which surpasses 50 individuals. Volunteers are the heartbeat of our organization, contributing their time, skills, and passion to elevate the vibrancy and well-being of our downtown community. Their commitment fuels the success of the DPA, enabling us to organize events, enhance the Downtown District, and create a welcoming Downtown for all to enjoy.

Each committee tackles unique aspects of our organization’s mission to foster and maintain vibrancy in Downtown Pullman.

Outreach: The Outreach Committee cultivates a vibrant and engaged community through active contributions to our initiatives. Rooted in a solid foundation, we prioritize the establishment of partnerships, mobilization of volunteers, and securing essential resources for ongoing district growth and development.

Promotions: The Promotions Committee is at the core of creating a unique and high-quality image for our district. We cultivate connections with engaging community events and amplify the district’s vibrancy through extensive marketing initiatives.

Economic Vitality: The Economic Vitality Committee focuses on enhancing our district’s economic well-being. We support existing businesses while attracting new ones, aiming for a thriving and resilient community. Our commitment includes identifying resources and tools to support downtown businesses and property owners.

Design: The Design Committee enhances downtown’s appearance through initiatives like public art, historic preservation, street furniture, signage, lighting, and more. Our goal is to establish an appealing, coordinated, and high-quality district image by leveraging our unique assets.

For more information on getting involved, please contact info@downtownpullman.org

Committee meetings times and dates are located on the public calendar and open to all.

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